Sunday, August 21, 2011

When will someone actually do something about Bank of America? - Again

Mr. Moynihan, once again, have you no shame?

Yet another example of BofA's sociopathic culture

Where does the buck stop, Mr. Moynihan?

And how long will it take for the board's tacit acceptance of this kind of abuse to finally poison any remaining shareholder confidence?

One can only hope the media begins to shine a more focused light on this ruthless enterprise.

Thursday, August 04, 2011

When will someone actually do something about Bank of America?

If you're not already sickened by BofA's utter disregard for even the most fundamental tenets of right and wrong, maybe yet another story of a sociopathic corporate culture will finally make even a few of those kow-towing to K-Street rethink their own sense of humanity; or not.

According to Courthouse News, BofA (actually, its renamed, notoriously predatory Countrywide adopted child), did what its all-too-well-known for - acted as if it were above the law in a most egregious way.

Crabtree v. BofA

The TBTF rescuer of the toxic Countrywide has been struggling with the impact the acquisition has had on shareholder value, but the leadership of the company has been unwilling to take steps to change the absurdly obnoxious and illegal behavior so endemic to the Countrywide culture.

Public pronouncements by BofA's CEO and various corporate mouthpieces have been predictably obtuse and carefully crafted to avoid admissions of wrongdoing even in light of incredibly reckless and illegal behavior.

They can get away with that because, for the protected class BofA's executives are members of, they have no personal liability to anyone; the company is TBTF, the DOJ won't act, shareholders are powerless (or marginalized) and for some reason, customers of the bank aren't morally outraged enough to take their business elsewhere.

So it's time to out the Board of Directors of this pathologically corrupt, morally bankrupt enterprise.

According to the BofA web site - these are the people who are willing to sit back and tacitly approve the kind of behaviors involved in the operation of BofA:

Charles O. Holliday, Jr., (63), Chairman of the Board, Bank of America Corporation
Mukesh D. Ambani, (54), Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Ltd.
Susan S. Bies, (64), Former Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Frank P. Bramble, Sr. (63), Former Executive Officer, MBNA Corporation
Virgis W. Colbert, (71), Senior Advisor, MillerCoors Company
Charles K. Gifford, (68), Former Chairman, Bank of America Corporation
D. Paul Jones, Jr., (68), Former Chairman, CEO and President, Compass Bancshares, Inc.
Monica C. Lozano, (55), Chief Executive Officer, ImpreMedia, LLC
Thomas J. May, (64), Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, NSTAR
Brian T. Moynihan, (51), Chief Executive Officer, Bank of America Corporation
Donald E. Powell, (70), Former Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Charles O. Rossotti, (70), Senior Advisor, The Carlyle Group
Robert W. Scully, (61), Former Member of the Office of the Chairman, Morgan Stanley

Corporate corruption of the kind routinely displayed at BofA cannot exist in a company with a board of directors that won't tolerate it. Granted, Holliday, Gifford and Moynihan are hopelessly in league with the "we've done nothing wrong" faction and before you get the idea that you can simply write a letter to one of them, consider this advice from the site:

Persons seeking to communicate with the Board of Directors, any director, non-management members of the Board as a group or any committee of the Board should send a letter to the Corporate Secretary at Bank of America Corporation, 214 N. Tryon St., NC1-027-20-05, Charlotte, NC 28255. The letter should indicate to whom the communication is intended. The Corporate Secretary or the secretary of the designated committee may sort or summarize the communications as appropriate. Communications that are commercial solicitations, customer complaints, incoherent or obscene will not be communicated to the Board or any director or committee of the Board.

Nice how they've insulated themselves from "customer complaints."

But how about a few thousand good-old-fashioned letters to the BofA board referencing the Crabtree case, asking the simple question: "Have you no shame?"

On second thought, we already know the answer.

The Honorable Judge Roy Bean